Introduction to DA, Modasa

Darshan Academy Modasa, an English Medium Pre-school inaugurated on 3rd August 2015, under the auspicious guidance of Darshan Education Foundation- New Delhi - with a vision to provides high-quality educational opportunities for all students and enrich all their aspects – physically, intellectually, artistically, emotionally, and spiritually.

We believe that each student is unique for education. So, our effective teacher will have used an array of activities, more because every child has his or her way of learning better, additionally, hands-on activities together with the visual Aids would be offered and creates opportunities to the students in their real-life example, to correlate the topic. Our teacher should use all the senses and offer learning options. Learning involves the whole mind, body and emotions; we take great pride in our school; Darshan Academy provides an education that embraces all aspects of a child’s being, enabling students to meet challenges and lead life with a knowledge supported by wisdom, ethical values, good decision-making skills, as well as equipoise and a respect for all life. Meditation and daily spiritual curriculum lessons are a part of the curriculum. 

We affirm that Good and proper education plays a great role in shaping our future and professional career. It helps us to develop personality and earn recognition and respect in the family and society. Education is the partnership between school, parents, management & community. Success will be achieved whenever we all work together as a team.

We feel very happy to be a part of this grand establishment, because Darshan academy promotes an Activity-based learning philosophy, of “Learning through doing”.  

Special Features

Well-equipped building with airy rooms
Greenery all-around, beautiful landscaped school garden
Smart Board classrooms
Science Labs
Large playgrounds with basketball and volleyball courts
Special playpark for junior students with play station
Well equipped Computer Lab
Sports Room, Infirmary Room, Music Room, Activity Room


"Dream, Dream, Dream. Dream transforms into thoughts and thoughts result in action. "